The 10 Best Coding Books Every Beginner Should Own


The 10 Best Coding Books Every Beginner Should Own

Good books about programming

Working in the IT field is both promising and interesting. In particular, coding skills can help you build a successful career in technology. According to Indeed, the most in-demand skills in the job market are related to computer technology. Good books about programming provide concise and thorough information about hard skills.

A programmer's work can involve testing and ensuring the quality of websites and programs, creating mobile applications, computer games, or online services used worldwide. Whatever path you choose, you will need to know at least one popular programming language. This applies not only to developers but also to web designers, project managers, QA engineers, and others.

Coding experience is important even for team members who do not perform technical tasks. In any case, obtaining a relevant higher education is not mandatory. For many employers, a specialist's knowledge and practical skills are paramount. Both can be acquired through relevant online courses and must read programming books.

What a Beginner Programmer Needs to Know?

For a novice programmer, there are several key aspects that are important to know and understand to start a career in programming successfully. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Programming Basics

The syntax of a programming language, basic commands, and structures of the chosen programming language (e.g., Python, JavaScript, Java, C++).

  • Control Flow Structures

It is advisable to know how to use if, else if, and else for decision-making in code.

  • Functions and Modularity

A programmer should understand how to declare, call, and pass parameters to functions, and have knowledge of recursion and modularity.

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

This includes the basic concepts of OOP, such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

  • Working with Data, Debugging, and Testing

Important skills include reading and writing files, and the ability to find and fix errors in code.

The best books for beginners programming provide all the necessary information. However, it's important to remember that reading alone is not enough. The most valuable thing is to apply the knowledge in practice. It's essential to be ready to constantly learn and improve your skills through various courses and marathons and to develop soft skills.

must read programming books

Top 10 Books on Programming Basics

In books and basic online courses, the most important topics are covered, which can be studied independently. These include an overview of the main programming languages, coding rules, working with the console, basics of networking, client-server architecture, features of creating programs with a graphical interface, basics of unit testing, principles of clean code, and more. 

The best books to learn code usually cover the basics and fundamental concepts needed to understand and write code. After familiarizing yourself with the theory, it will be easier for you to objectively determine what exactly in programming you would like to know more about and what you would like to link your career with.

  1. Beginning Python From Novice to Professional by Magnus Lie Hetland

The book starts with the basics of downloading Python to your computer and ends with an explanation of several Python data types, such as lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. Topics such as if statements and database integration with SQLite are also covered. The advantage is the presence of practical tasks in the book, which allows you to quickly consolidate the acquired knowledge.

  1. Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes

The world's most popular guide to the Python programming language, ideal for beginners in programming. It covers not only Python libraries and tools but also the processes of creating 2D games, interactive visualizations, and web applications.

  1. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

About one of the most popular programming languages, JavaScript. The author starts with the basics and gradually introduces the reader to complex topics. This book will be useful not only to beginners. Experienced programmers will also find a lot of useful information. It features simple explanations and interactive examples that are easy to remember.

  1. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart

A basics of programming book in Python. Suitable for developers who spend too much time on tasks. It describes automation functions such as searching for text in a file or multiple files, filling out online forms, downloading online content, encrypting files, etc. Each chapter ends with practical tasks.

  1. Cracking the Coding Interview. 189 Programming Questions and Solutions by Gayle Laakmann McDowell

The author shares proven strategies for solving algorithm questions, explains large data structures and key algorithms, and prepares for interviews. An interesting part for readers is the description of the developer hiring process at companies like Google and Facebook. The author is a software engineer who has experience both as a candidate and as an interviewer hiring other software engineers.

  1. Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction by Steve McConnell

Considered one of the TOP programming books. It helps beginners master the profession and experienced developers write higher-quality software. The author describes techniques that help foster creativity during design, apply defensive programming techniques, eliminate and prevent errors, choose and use construction practices, and overall improve work results at any stage.

  1. Code Simplicity: The Fundamentals of Software by Max Kanat-Alexander

It describes the fundamental laws of software design and key principles for maintaining software systems. The book is universal, regardless of software, programming language, or platform. It is most useful for beginners. Without this guide, it may take years to learn how to avoid typical mistakes, but with it, development principles can be learned much faster. It is undoubtedly one of the essential programming books.

  1. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin

The first part describes principles, patterns, and practices for writing clean code. The second section covers thematic studies of increasing complexity, including exercises to improve problematic code. The third chapter discusses discoveries made during case studies. The author explains how to distinguish good code from bad and how to turn any code into quality, readable code, and how to implement complete error handling without breaking code logic. Another important part covers unit testing and test-driven development. Although you won't read all computer books, this one is definitely worth your time.

  1. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen

This textbook combines comprehensive material with mathematical rigor. It includes information on VEB trees, multithreaded algorithms, and dynamic programming. Each chapter can be studied separately. Algorithms are described in English and pseudocode, so if you are somewhat familiar with programming, you can compare descriptions and draw your conclusions. The first edition was used as a textbook in many higher education institutions. The updated version includes materials on multithreaded algorithms, recurrence, matrices, detailed and modern explanations of dynamic programming, and flow networks. Like other popular programming books, this edition contains many practical tasks.

  1. Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates

The book stands out with colorful descriptions, puzzles, and interviews. It is not a typical classic guide; instead, the texts are easy to read and remember. It includes a full introduction to object-oriented programming and the Java language.

The above books programmers should read will also be interesting and useful for software engineers, project managers, team leaders, and system analysts. Most old programming books are periodically republished. Updated editions take into account changes in programming languages and their usage practices, so you can rest assured about the relevance of theoretical material if the computer language books are popular and updated.

It is not necessary to read every chapter of a guide. You can choose what is relevant for you at a given moment and return to the theory from time to time. It is much more important to hurry with applying the acquired knowledge. Avoid diving into books without practice. You can read while developing professionally in courses or at your first job.

Old programming books are classics that provide valuable historical context and explain how certain methods and tools were created. Do not overlook them, but always check the relevance of theoretical material and communicate with senior colleagues and mentors who can always help if you are taking an online course or interning at a company.

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Is Quality Assurance a Good Career?

Is Quality Assurance a Good Career?

job vacancies in quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) specialists write scripts to test code, perform manual and automated tests, and generally bring the digital product's parameters closer to the ideal standards of the organization and the target market. Depending on their specific specialization and position, QA professionals test and improve the product at various stages of development. For example, they might interact with the product as consumers to determine if all features work as intended, if the interface is fast and user-friendly, and so on.

A separate person or a QA team can be responsible for quality assurance. Here are the most popular job vacancies in quality assurance and their features.

  • Quality Assurance Tester

QA testers check products for defects. They don't just find bugs but also suggest solutions. They are responsible for the quality of computer programs, mobile apps, online services, video games, websites, and more. Unlike quality control testers, QA testers check the product at various development stages, not just before release. Manual testing involves practical software testing to find bugs when automated testing is unavailable or impractical.

  • Quality Assurance Auditor

The main responsibilities include setting parameters for product testing, monitoring processes handled by quality control managers, testers, and engineers, and ensuring the company's quality control criteria meet state regulations.

  • Quality Assurance Manager

QA managers establish internal quality control standards and coordinate the work of all specialists involved in product testing. They often communicate with end consumers, and their feedback helps improve the software solution.

  • Quality Assurance Analyst

QA analysts test and evaluate products to meet organizational standards, helping achieve project goals.

  • Quality Assurance Engineer

QA engineers develop tests to study development processes. They collaborate with developers at all stages of product creation, systematizing quality control testing. Engineers may prepare documentation that serves as instructions for other team members.

Quality assurance engineering plays a key role in the product development lifecycle. QA specialists can specialize in different areas, with varying skills and tools depending on the company and specific duties.

There are several types of QA engineers. For example, automation quality control engineers develop scripts and frameworks to optimize the testing process, requiring coding skills and knowledge of Agile and DevOps. Performance quality control engineers ensure the reliability, scalability, and responsiveness of products like e-commerce platforms and enterprise software.

Security quality control engineers find vulnerabilities in products to prevent damage or data leaks from attacks. Their duties include security audits, risk assessments, and penetration testing.

QA analysts ensure testing aligns with business goals and that the company-approved quality criteria are met. Mobile QA engineers specialize in testing and improving smartphone apps, requiring knowledge of touch interfaces, battery use, different operating systems, screen sizes, and configurations.

Career Path for QA Testers and Engineers

A QA tester is the starting point in quality assurance. The tester career path might look like this:

  1. Junior QA Tester
  2. Software Tester
  3. Test Analyst
  4. Test Manager

With each step, salaries increase, averaging from $64,434 per year for a junior specialist to $90,333 for a test manager.

QA engineers often start as junior QA analysts, moving to QA Engineer and taking on increasingly complex testing and automation tasks. With good performance, they can advance to Senior QA Engineer, responsible for leading testing and mentoring junior specialists. Higher positions include QA Lead or Manager and Director of Quality Control or Vice President of Quality in large companies. This path allows a transition from technical testing to strategic management.

To choose a career path, consider your current skills—technical or soft.

Technical skills are abilities you can learn and develop, like creating test documentation or coding in a specific programming language. If you excel in technical skills, consider becoming a developer, as a deep understanding of IT processes will help you learn programming. You could also specialize in usability testing or focus on test automation.

Soft skills relate to your temperament and personality traits but can also be developed. These might include teamwork or time management skills. If you have strong soft skills and enjoy working in a team and leading, try being a project manager or test lead. QA specialists often form their views on product functionality and demonstrate analytical thinking, making a transition to a business analyst role a good option. This role involves communicating with the team and consumers to improve products.

Features of a Career in Software Testing

Work in the scope of software testing can be remote but usually requires a mix of independent and team work. Companies use online services like Trello or Asana for this.

QA specialists typically work full-time, often with extra tasks requiring additional hours, especially before a product release. Quality assurance work is intellectually challenging and can be monotonous at times due to repetitive tests and scenarios and constant documentation. However, the satisfaction of creating a flawless product outweighs the downsides, and the job is well-paid.

Even small bugs can lead to significant product flaws. If defects are found after a product's market release, the developer company can face substantial financial and reputational losses. Hence, responsibility is a key characteristic of a QA career.

Other important skills of software tester, engineers, or managers involved in quality assurance include the willingness to learn continuously, solving problems creatively, and effectively communicating with colleagues.

if a good education guarantees a successful career

Why is a QA Tester and Quality Control Engineer Career Good?

The prospects for QA professionals are excellent due to several factors.

  • Software is becoming more complex. 

A serious bug can cost a company a lot of money. With high competition, organizations must involve QA professionals throughout the software development lifecycle to remain viable.

  • Artificial intelligence performs many tasks but makes mistakes. 

AI is increasingly used for coding and other tasks, but it still makes errors. Hence, a person is needed to ensure the quality of AI's work. The human factor remains crucial in many areas.

  • Growing need for software in robotics. 

AI programs must be error-free, as one defect can break the entire system.

A career objective for software quality assurance offers opportunities to work in various IT-related fields and contribute to creating products that meet the highest quality standards. Employment in this field is expected to grow by 25% by 2032.

Currently, there are thousands of QA engineer vacancies in the US on Indeed. Glassdoor lists over 31,000 QA jobs in the United States.

Testing and quality control engineering is in high demand and is expected to grow. This field is ideal for entering the tech industry, and over time, you can shift your work direction in IT while already having the necessary skills and experience. Many wonder if a good education guarantees a successful career. For QA, a bachelor's degree is important but not mandatory. Specialized courses and practice are often enough.

What is a good career goal: an example

A good career goal is a desired outcome you plan to achieve in your professional life. Examples of such goals include becoming an expert in a particular field, building a personal brand, starting a business, helping a company reach a new level, getting a promotion, or earning a certification.

Why choose a career in quality assurance?

A career in quality assurance offers many opportunities for specialists. The number of job openings in large companies is constantly growing, as well as the salary size. For example, the average monthly salary in the USA is about $9,000.

When is the best time to change careers?

There is no one best age for everyone to change careers. Psychologists recommend changing jobs every 5-7 years, but this could be a shift within the same company or a complete industry change. On average, a person changes their profession about three times in their lifetime.

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